Grammar Program For Mac

Writing a book is hard. I’ve written seven books and at some point during each one I had the thought, “There has to be a tool, a piece of book writing software, that would make this easier.”

Create beautiful books with Vellum software for macOS. Vellum Create beautiful books. MacOS 10.13 or newer; Gorgeous Print Interiors Beautiful eBooks. Best Grammar Checker Software for Mac OS Users. Whether you work on writing an e-mail or a story, few experiences feel as embarrassing as grammar mistakes. Think of writing a research paper containing hundreds of pages in one go, or your first assignment. Every time I write anything (like this blog) I require a tool which could automate my writing. Write with confidence across documents, email, and the web. With features that help strengthen your spelling, grammar, and style, let Microsoft Editor be your intelligent writing assistant. See Editor’s suggestions in Word, 1 Outlook, and on your favorite sites. 2 Try Editor in Outlook.

In case a program says it is better than anything an individual, then research it before clicking that purchase get. Human editors’ aside here is a part of the best grammar checkers around. These are the Top 6 Mac Add-On Writing Tools for the isolating writer. Check spelling and grammar on Mac. In many macOS apps, spelling is checked while you type, and mistakes are automatically corrected. You can turn off these features, and use other options while typing emails, messages, or documents.

Bad news/good news: writing a book will always be hard, and the best piece of writing software in the world won’t write your book for you. But the good news is there is book writing software that can make the process a little easier.

In this post, we will cover the ten best pieces of software for writing a book and look at the pros and cons of each.

FREE eBOOK: Every professional has a set of tools at their disposal that not only makes their job possible, but makes them better at doing it. Writing is no different, and while the right software is important, it’s just one of the many tools you need as a writer. That’s why we published this free 22-page eBook, 7 Tools to Help You Write a Novel. You can download it for free here. Enjoy!

Click the links below to get our review on the best writing software.

Best Writing Software: Contents

Worst Pieces of Software for Writing a Book

First, though, let’s cover software you should avoid, at least while you’re writing a book:

  1. Video Games. Especially World of Warcraft (always always always!) but also Solitaire, Sudoku, Angry Birds, and, for me right now, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes.
  2. Facebook, Twitter, and Other Social Media Software. Do I really need to say more? Fortunately there’s a piece of book writing software for avoiding this very distracting software (see Freedom below).
  3. Other Productive Software Not Directly Associated With Your Writing. Yes, it’s good to reconcile your bank account on Quickbooks or make sure you’re up to date on your calendar app, but responsible, well-meaning work can easily be an excuse for a quick distraction that turns into a major distraction from writing your book.

Set aside time for your writing every day and then stay focused!

If you need a game, make writing your daily word count your game.

If you want more “likes” on social media, imagine how great getting five-star reviews on your book will be.

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If you need to check your bank balance several times a day, think about what your bank balance will be when you stop checking it constantly, finish your book, and become a successful author.

The 10 Best Pieces of Book Writing Software


No piece of writing software will write your book for you, but these ten will help. Let’s look at the pros and cons of each.

1. Scrivener (Word Processor)

Scrivener is the premier book writing software. It is made by writers for writers. Scrivener’s “binder” view allows you to break up your book into chapters and sections and easily reorganize it. Project targets let you create word count goals and then track your progress daily. Its composition mode can help you stay focused by removing all the clutter. Plus, it allows you to format for publishing (e.g. on Amazon or Barnes & Noble).

There are some problems with Scrivener. Formatting is more complicated than it needs to be and collaborating isn’t easy, meaning it loses its effectiveness as soon as you bring on an editor. But it more than makes up for that by being so helpful in the early stages of the writing process.

In fact, we believe in Scrivener so much, we published a book about how creative writers can write more, faster using it. It’s called Scrivener Superpowers. If you’re using Scrivener or want to save yourself time as you learn how to use it for your creative writing, you can get Scrivener Superpowers here. The next edition comes out on Tuesday!

Cost: $49 for Mac, $45 for Windows

You can get a copy of Scrivener here, or learn more about how to use the software with one of these resources:

  • Scrivener Superpowers by M.G. Herron

2. Google Docs (Word Processor)

While Scrivener is the best book writing software, once you get to editing and getting feedback, it begins to fall short.

That’s why Google Docs has become my second go-to piece of book writing software. It’s free, very easy to use, and requires no backups since everything is in the cloud.

Best of all are its collaboration abilities, which allow you to invite your editor to the document and then watch as he or she makes changes, tracked in suggestion mode, and leave comments on your story (see screenshot below).

Cost: Free!

Where to find it: Get started with Google Docs here

3. Google Sheets (Spreadsheet)

If you’d told me when I was first trying to become a writer that one of my most-used tools in my book writing software toolkit would be a spreadsheet, I would have told you I didn’t major in English to have to use a spreadsheet.

But now, as I’m finishing my twelth book, I realize that I’m using spreadsheets almost daily.

Spreadsheets allow you to get a sense of the elements of your book at a glance, and when you’re working on a 300-page document, distilling it down to useable information becomes very necessary.

You might use spreadsheets for:

  • Character tracking
  • Scene lists
  • Outlines

Google Sheets is perfect for this because it’s free and you can quickly share your documents with your writing partners, editors, or beta readers to get feedback. Microsoft Excel is another great option, but for writers, I suggest Google Sheets.

Cost: Free!

Where to find it?Get started with Google Sheets here

4. Vellum (Book Formatting/Word Processor)

If you want to turn your book into an eBook, it’s not that hard. Scrivener, Word, Pages, they all can make eBooks. But that doesn’t mean they’ll look good. In fact, it takes a lot of skill and effort to make an eBook look good on any of those word processors. That’s why I love Vellum so much.

Vellum makes beautiful eBooks.

Vellum picks up where Scrivener, Word, and Pages leave off, giving you a tool to make great looking eBooks every time.

The most important part of this is the previewer (see the image below), which lets you see how each formatting change or book edit you make will appear on Kindle, Fire, iPhone, Nook, and other eReaders.

It also has stripped-down, option-based formatting, which is perfect for designing eBooks.

I really love this app!

UPDATE: Vellum recently expanded into formatting for paperback books! I haven’t tried it yet but it looks awesome!

Cost: $199 for eBook generation, $249 for Paperback Formatting

5. Freedom (Productivity App)


One question writers always ask me is, “How can I stay focused enough to finish what I write?”

I have too many thoughts on this for this article, but as far as writing software to encourage focus, I recommend Freedom.

Freedom allows you to block your biggest distractions online, including both websites and mobile apps, for a set period of time. So when you mindlessly escape your book to scroll through Facebook, you’ll find the site won’t load.

You can also schedule recurring sessions, so that at a scheduled time (e.g. Mondays from 6 am to 10 am), you won’t be able to access the sites on your blocklist, even if you try.

There are other apps like this that we’ve written about before, notably Self-Control for Mac and StayFocused for Windows. But Freedom goes further, allowing you to block sites on both your computer and your phone, and enabling recurring sessions.

You can learn more about how writers can get the most out of Freedom on our review here.

Cost: $29 / year for Pro version, which I use and recommend (Free trial available)

Where to find it:Get started with Freedom here

6. Microsoft Word (Word Processor)

Again: no piece of book writing software is going to write your book for you. If you’re looking for the next “shiny new toy” to help you write your book, it might be an excuse to avoid doing the hard work of writing.

Most of us learned how to use computers by using Microsoft Word, or a program like it. Word gets the job done. Sure, Scrivener is a little better for books, but I wrote my first book on Word and it’s fine.

I wrote a long review of the pros and cons of using Word to write books—the main problem is that as your document grows, it becomes more and more difficult to work with, whereas with Scrivener, it becomes easier—but the point is, if Word is what you have, don’t let that stop you from finishing your book.

As Jeff Elkins said in his review of Word, “If you aren’t already putting in the hard work to be the kind of writer you want to be, it doesn’t matter what new writing software you invest in. It is not going to help.”

Cost: $69 / year from Amazon (includes Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, and other Microsoft software)

7. Ulysses (Word Processor)

When I’m writing for a long time, I like to get up and go for a walk. Sometimes, I wish I could continue writing while I walk. Other times, I come up with an idea while I’m walking, type it up on my phone, and then want to easily move what I wrote to my laptop without having to go through the hassle of emailing it back and forth to myself.

That’s where Ulysses comes in.

Ulysses is a word processor for Mac that allows you to sync between all your devices, so you have what you need wherever you are. Scrivener recently released their iOS app which allows you to do this as well, but the process is clunky and requires you to purchase both the desktop and iOS apps. Ulysses’ sync makes the process much more seamless.

Like Scrivener, it has a binder-like sidebar that allows you to move documents around. Ulysses is not designed specifically for books so it takes a little configuring to make it work for you, but once you have it set up the way you want it’s very intuitive.

And while I hate Markdown, I actually like the paired-down formatting options Ulysses gives. Overall, I’m not going to convert from Scrivener to Ulysses any time soon, but I think it’s a great option for most writers.

Cost: $45

Where to find it: App store, or here (Mac only)

8. Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheets)

As Jeff Elkins says in his review of Microsoft Excel, it’s great, but “it’s a little like bringing a bazooka to a knife fight. You will need only a small fraction of its capability.”

If you have Excel and love it, great. Otherwise, use Google Sheets, especially if you’re sharing your sheet with a collaborator or editor.

Grammar Programs For Pc

Cost: $69 / year from Amazon (includes Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, and other Microsoft software)

9. ProWritingAid (Grammar/Spell Check)

Can book writing software replace an editor?

Definitely not. But if you ask Alice Sudlow, our in-house editor, she’s tell you, “If you don’t have access to an editor (or if you do, but you don’t want to hire them to edit your emails or Facebook posts), grammar checking software like ProWritingAid is an accessible, affordable alternative.

If you struggle with grammar, sentence structure, spelling, or even writing style, ProwritingAid can help. It goes far beyond your built-in spell-check.

You should still learn grammar skills, but ProWritingAid can help you start to see the patterns and grow as a writer.

There’s a free version that’s very good. It can even be installed into your browser or Word processor, so you can check your grammar wherever you write. The paid version, just $60 a year (less than half of what Grammarly costs), gives you additional support on sentence structure, style, and vocabulary.

Learn more about how writers can get the most out of ProWritingAid here.

Cost: Free! (Premium version is $60 / year)

Where to find it: Get started with ProWritingAid here

10. Hemingway App (Grammar/Style Checker)

Most writers think their sentences are easier to read than they are. You think you’re coming across clearly, that your writing makes sense, but then someone reads it and comes away with something totally different.

Hemingway App helps with that.

Hemingway App is a free website that checks readability. You can copy and paste your writing into the website’s input box. Then it will grade your writing based on your used of adverbs, passive voice, and sentences as units.

Hemingway App is useful, but even the best book writing software can’t replace a good editor.

Cost: Free!

The 7 Tools Every Writer Needs

Every professional has a set of tools at their disposal that not only makes their job possible, but makes them better at doing it. Writing is no different, and while the right software is important, it’s just one of the many tools you need as a writer.

That’s why we published a free 22-page eBook, 7 Tools to Help You Write a Novel. In this short guide, we’ll cover some of the basic tools that form the foundation of a writing life.

You can download it for free here. Enjoy!

The Most Essential Book Writing Software

Imagine it’s three thousand years ago. You’re sitting around a campfire with some of your family and friends, tired from the day’s work. You begin to tell a story. It’s one you’ve told before, told a hundred times. You can see faces around the fire, the children with their eyes wide, the men and women who have heard the story before but still enjoy it because it brings meaning to their lives.

Storytellers—writers—have existed since the beginning of humanity. They didn’t always have book writing software. They didn’t have the printing press or the internet. They didn’t always even have the alphabet to write their stories down.

Grammar Program For Mac Computers

Instead, storytellers had their imaginations, their voices, and a rapt audience.

You don’t need book writing software to write a great story. Book writing software can make the process a little faster or easier, but the truth is great stories will always exist, no matter what kind of software we have.

The only three things essential to writing a great book:

  • Your imagination
  • Your words
  • A desire to tell your story

That’s all you need. Do you want to write your book? If you do, then do it. Write it. Nothing is stopping you except you. So go get writing.

Grammar Program For Mac Os

What pieces of book writing software do you use? Let us know in the comments.


Grammar Program For Mac Download

The world is full of powerful software to help you write your book. In the end, though, all these tools are just that—tools. The stories you imagine and your discipline to put the words on the page are far more important.

So for this practice, set aside all the fancy software. Eliminate all the bells and whistles and open up your computer’s native text editor (TextEdit for Mac or Notepad for Windows). Take fifteen minutes to write without any distractions. Continue your work in progress, or start a new story based on this prompt:

Paint Program For Mac


A student discovers one of their teachers is not what they appear to be.

When you’re done, share your writing practice in the comments. And if you share, be sure to leave feedback for your fellow writers!

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. You can follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Best Free Grammar Program


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About Grammarian PRO3 X

Why Grammarian PRO3 X is the best.

Grammarian PRO3 Free Online Best Grammar Check

  • Grammarian PRO3 X, the professional writer's tool kit, is the ultimate Mac grammar checking writing tool to combat those embarrassing writing errors that everyone tends to make.
    A universal interactive grammar check, contextual spelling check, punctuation check, dictionary, thesaurus, AutoCorrect, and AutoType tool that virtually works within every program on your Mac computer. Grammarian PRO3 is the best grammar checker tool ever made.

Why You Need Grammarian PRO3

A few reasons:

  • Grammarian PRO3 X is the world's first grammar checker originally developed on an Apple II in 1983. It is time-tested and is the best grammar checker ever made. This Mac grammar checker is undoubtedly the best!
  • Check grammar and check spelling here, there, and everywhere. Wherever you write, Grammarian PRO3's Mac grammar checker is there. Grammarian PRO3's grammar checker features are universally available, anywhere you enter text, in all apps-word processors, email, web browsers, and all other apps.
  • Easy and powerful. Convenient and easy to use. All grammar checker functions are accessed from a global universal macOS system menu.
  • Automatically save time and keystrokes. With Grammarian PRO3's AutoType, you type a few letters and Grammarian PRO3 automatically expands them. Save precious time and keystrokes. Insert standard greetings, phrases, and signatures as formatted text. Correct typos automatically. Insert the current date and time in any preferred format. And do so much more.
    Qualified and reporting for duty. Whether you are writing an email, a school class essay, scientific article, or your PhD Doctoral Dissertation, Grammarian PRO3 will assist you along the way. Remembering all the proper grammar and spelling rules can be difficult. Implementing those rules is another matter entirely. Let Grammarian PRO3 help you. After all, Grammarian PRO3 has over 30 years of dedicated educational research and is qualified to assist you.

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Feature-rich all-in-one Grammarian PRO3:

  • Grammarian PRO3 X checks grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, phrase usage, and more. Grammarian PRO3 X reads through your text and analyzes each sentence for potential grammar, spelling, and punctuation problems.
  • Has much more grammar, spelling, and punctuation checking power than the limited and crippled checkers in Microsoft Word™, Microsoft Office™, macOS, and online checkers. See our Grammar Checkers: Comparisons Testing
  • Has over 300 built-in primary grammar, spelling, and punctuation check writing rules compared to MS Office's 26 error corrections.
  • Checks homophones-words that sound the same but are spelled differently such as it's for its, accept for except, loose for lose, to for too and two, and many more.
  • Grammatical reference aid displays grammatical parts of speech and linear sentence diagraming, to assist with evaluating the right choice of corrections.
  • Check spelling interactively as you type or all at once after you type.
  • Grammarian PRO3 works in word processors, email apps, and web browsers, almost anywhere that you can enter text.
  • Write faster, better, and with more confidence using Grammarian PRO3's extensive AutoType and AutoCorrect features.
  • Grammarian PRO3 corrects typo mistakes, grammar errors, spelling errors, punctuation errors in or out of context, phrase usage, and punctuation errors. Grammarian PRO3's AutoType feature will save you much time by typing your commonly-used words, phrases, and paragraphs for you.
  • Conveniently look up words, meanings, and more, using the built-in dictionary and thesaurus.
  • Quickly modify and clean up text. Analyze your writing using Grammarian PRO3's statistics and statistics analysis functionality.

Check grammar and spelling

Grammarian PRO3's Mac grammar checker works interactively or in batch correction mode and automatically starts working in your favorite apps to correct spelling, grammar, phrase usage, and punctuation. Use the built-in dictionary assistant to look up definitions and verify the correct choice of words. AutoCorrect corrects many spelling mistakes automatically as you type. Also, create styled-text AutoType shorthand macros that will automatically type your commonly used signature phrases. Checks your spelling, grammar, phrase usage, and punctuation interactively as you type!

Check grammar and spelling as you type

When interactive checking is turned on, Grammarian PRO3 watches what you type so you can make corrections as you are writing. Grammarian PRO3 can alert you when an error is detected with your choice of selectable sounds or voices. You can set different alert sounds for each error type. Whenever Grammarian PRO3 sees that you have made an error, a list of suggested words appears. You can choose to see the list in a window or in a pop-up menu list. The list is comprehensive; and so, when you find the correct word, simply double-click it with the mouse or type in the number beside the right word. Grammarian PRO3 will instantly and automatically type the correction for you.

Check grammar and spelling anytime

To check your document after you've finished typing, use Grammarian PRO3's 'Check Selection...' command. Grammarian PRO3 pastes corrections into your document all at once. Interactive checking and after-the-fact checking aren't mutually exclusive. Let Grammarian PRO3 check your grammar and spelling as you type and also check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation afterwards all at once just before you send off your document. Grammarian PRO3 maintains all style formatting in your documents. Web browser copy/paste grammar checkers do not maintain document character formatting. Only Grammarian PRO3 keeps all document character formatting intact everywhere.

Grammarian PRO3 works great with Apple Mail and Apple Pages. It's undoubtedly the best Mac grammar checker software.

Improve All Writing

Academic, business, professional, publishing, technical, and creative writing require unique styles of editing. Grammarian adapts to your writing needs and ensures that no whatever your project is, your grammar is ideal. Just choose the grammar writing style of the piece of writing that you need edited. Download Grammarian now to get started.

Students and educators
Research Papers, term papers, book reports and essays
Job Applicants
Edit resumes, application forms, cover letters
Business writers
Refine emails and proposals
Professional Writers and copywriters
Grammar instruction manuals and ads
Authors and Copy Writers
Proofread editorials, articles, and blog posts

The Best Grammar Checker - Catch More Errors

Many available subpar online English grammar checkers claim to be the best but rarely catch common spelling and grammar mistakes. Our grammar checker identifies more grammatical errors with better accuracy. We provide the best grammar check available.

Grammarian PRO3 types automatically

Let Grammarian PRO3 fix typo mistakes, smarten punctuation, finish what you've started to type, and do the repetitive typing for you. Automatically, instantly, invisibly-often without you even noticing.

AutoType-Automatic typing of styled text

Grammarian PRO3 can save many hours of typing and wear and stress on your hands and wrists-all by typing for you. Using Grammarian PRO3's AutoType typing expansion feature, you can create self-expanding AutoType shorthand abbreviations that save you typing and ensure spelling consistency. Create hundreds of shortcuts to boilerplate text responses, long URLs, entire signatures, addresses, names, phrases-anything you find yourself typing repeatedly. Grammarian PRO3's AutoType shorthand expansions can include dates and times, formatted almost any way you'd like.

AutoCorrect-instantly fix typo mistakes

Grammarian PRO3 automatically corrects many commonly misspelled words and typo mistakes. Grammarian PRO3 includes a list of over 4,000 common typos (for US English) and spelling mistakes. Add your own automatic corrections-there's virtually no limit of the quantity that you can create and use!

Let Grammarian PRO3 automatically fix those DOubled CApitals, capitalize the first word of a sentence, and fix capitalization of proper nouns-instantly and automatically. Write like a professional-have Grammarian PRO3 automatically 'smarten' quotation marks and other punctuation to be typographically correct. Grammarian PRO3 does it all.

Grammarian PRO3's dictionary and thesaurus

Use Grammarian PRO3's thesaurus to find synonyms and related words. Grammarian PRO3's built-in U.S. English thesaurus offers over two million entries for almost 250,000 words. Entry words contain definitions and parts of speech.

Finding the right word couldn't be easier. Look up the word selected in your document, or look up a word that you type into the Lookup window.

Grammarian PRO3's grammar check and spelling check error catching

Avoid embarrassing mistakes with the world's #1 grammar checker

According to comparative studies, Grammarian PRO X has always been the leader of grammar checking and spelling checking. And now again, nothing comes close to the accuracy, quality, and intellectual power of Grammarian PRO3.

Grammarian PRO3 has the most comprehensive grammar error checking capability. Nothing has ever matched Grammarian's completeness. You rely on the creditability of the grammar checking and spell checking application, and accuracy is the key to creditability. And Grammarian PRO3 has over 300 built-in primary grammar check and spelling check writing rules compared to MS Office's 26 error corrections.

Writing Rules, Phrase Usage, Grammar Check, and Punctuation Check

Grammar checking is categorized into writing rules and writing styles. This allows you to customize Grammarian PRO3's grammar check according to your current or projected writing style. Errors are grouped into phrase usage, grammar mechanics, and punctuation. Check for stylistic phrase usage errors such as Bookish Phrases, Cliches, Compound Words, Euphemisms, Formal, Faulty, French, Generic, Informal, Latin, Overly Formal, Racial, Redundant, Sexist, Collegiate, Vague, Wordy, Legal, and more.
Check for textbook reference grammar errors as Grammar Mechanics. Grammar check errors of this type now range from elementary to undergraduate course study. The grammar check error classes of this type include Misplaced Squinting Modifiers, Dangling Modifiers, Missing Prepositions, Subject-Verb Agreement, Antecedent Reference, Improper Parallelism, Double Negatives, and so many, many more.
With over 30 years of research and lab work, Grammarian PRO3 provides you with the most sophisticated selection of error checking ever. This is capable only because of Grammarian's underlying Linguistic technologies and innovative connective algorithms designed and owned by Linguisoft. Decades of research and innovative design make this possible. Simple Natural Language Processing, Generative Grammar, Structural Linguistics, and Cognitive Linguistics are primitive caveman terms compared with today's standards of Linguisoft's Grammarian PRO3.

Spelling Check

Grammarian PRO3, the most powerful spell checking in the world, includes contextual spell checking and additionally checks for such spelling errors as: word compounding, homophones, spelling out numbers in a sentence, capitalizing of proper nouns, and more. ONLY Grammarian PRO3 even makes spelling suggestions based on how words are contextually used in the sentence.

Homophones-not misspelled but spelling is incorrect...

Have you ever used the word it's as a possessive pronoun when you meant to use its. Or maybe you wrote to complement someone instead of compliment them. Well, these words are not misspelled but the spelling is incorrect depending on the context that the words are used. Grammarian PRO3's grammar checker spots correctly spelled words that used in the wrong context. No more embarrassing typos like it's-its, complement-compliment, then-than, to-two-too, lose-loose. Homophones are common grammar and spelling errors. And common spelling checkers cannot catch these errors. Grammarian PRO3's grammar checker easily catches them, and other than a trained human editor, ONLY Grammarian PRO3 catches them.

If you are a dyslexic typist, Grammarian PRO3 now helps you more than ever. Grammarian PRO3's grammar check and spell check has the most comprehensive homophone checking ever. Nothing has ever before been successfully capable of checking and correcting these types of grammar and spelling errors.

And true multilingual spell checking

Check spelling in up to 17 different languages simultaneously:

  • US English
  • British English
  • French
  • Canadian English
  • German
  • Swiss German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Dutch
  • Australian
  • Portuguese
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Danish
  • Japanese
  • Turkish
  • Norwegian

Multiple languages simultaneously, available everywhere.

Get Statistics and Analyze the Statistics

Use Grammarian PRO3's Statistics to determine your document's readability, along with the number of paragraphs, sentences, words, characters-even syllables. Check how interesting your writing is (Human Interest) and how difficult it is to read (Reading Ease). And let Grammarian PRO3 show what famous writing that is comparable with your writing.

Use the Statistics Analysis to show sentence-by-sentence graphs of Sentence Length, Human interest, Readability, Passive Sentences, Nominalizations, and Coherence words and phrases.

Your professional advantage

Write, edit, and review. Use Grammarian PRO3's professional Statistics tools to review your writing in order to target your audience.

What's New in PRO3

Grammarian PRO3 Details

Try Grammarian PRO3 before you buy.

'Buy Now' takes you to the store. The Grammarian PRO3 X product is available as a Mac download-only app. The download is a 7 day trial commercial demo. Buy a registration license to unlock the demo into a full nonexpiring licensed copy. Sale is final once an activation code has been purchased and issued.

Phi Delta Kappan

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10 Most Common Grammar Mistakes to Check For In Your Writing

And Grammarian PRO3's grammar check catches them for you:

1) They're vs Their vs There

Their less likely to cause trouble. They're less likely to cause trouble.

Their is a new house down the street. There is a new house down the street.

2) Its vs It's

Its a good day today. → It's a good day today.

3) Then vs Than

It was larger then the requirement stated. It was larger than the requirement stated.

4) Dangling Modifiers

Having walked on the bridge, a wallet was found. While having walked on the bridge, we found a wallet.

5) Lose vs Loose

I will not loose my wallet. I will not lose my wallet.

6) Farther vs Further

The student read farther in the textbook. The student read further in the textbook.

7) Subject Verb Agreement

A small percentage of the people wants a job. → A small percentage of the people want a job.

Twenty dollars are due. Twenty dollars is due.

8) Use of Commas

We have dogs, cats and a hamster. We have dogs, cats, and a hamster.

9) Who vs That

The lady that just joined went with us today. The lady who just joined went with us today.

10) Less vs Fewer

Less people attended than before.Fewer people attended than before.

Grammarian PRO3's grammar check finds and corrects hundreds of thousands of complex writing errors — so that you don’t have to!

  1. Grammarian PRO3 X boosts writing productivity

    Don’t let incorrect grammar hinder you. Start using Grammarian PRO3 Mac Grammar Checker Software today!
    Click here to learn more about the advantages of using a good offline grammar checker.

    A safe grammar checker

    Keep your sensitive data safe with an offline grammar checker, Grammarian PRO3 X.

  1. System Requirements:

* Grammarian PRO3 X for macOS 10.6-11.0 (Big Sur)
* Grammarian PRO2 X for macOS 10.6-10.14
* Grammarian PRO X for macOS System 10.4-10.5

Grammarian PRO3 X Mac grammar checker works offline without an internet connection.

  1. More Product Information
  2. Grammarian™ patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and copyrights are exclusively owned by Linguisoft Inc. All rights reserved.
    Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.